18 Subscription Boxes for Remote Employees (By Job Type)

Updated: 6/5/23

As the remote work trend continues to grow, it’s more important than ever to support and engage employees, no matter where they’re located. One innovative way to do this is by providing subscription boxes that tend to be tailored to their specific job roles. This shows that there has been a time investment into getting to know employees and care about their well-being.

From administration and human resources to IT and finance, these boxes not only boost productivity and creativity but also foster a sense of connection among remote employees. In this article, we’ll explore the best subscription boxes for remote workers, organized by job type, to help you find the perfect gift or corporate perk.

For reference, I’ve included all the boxes mentioned in the table below, along with their category and approx cost. Keep in mind these are starting costs, with many of the companies having higher prices based on how many boxes you decide to get.

Box NameCategoryStarting Cost
Cloth & PaperStationary$22
The Inky BoxStationary$15
My Paper BoxStationary$18
Mindful BoxMeditation$40
OuiPleaseFrench Luxury$150
The Sock PandaSocks$14
Book of the MonthBooks$60
Gadget Discovery ClubTech/Gadgets$89
Creation CrateSTEM Projects$30
HackerBoxesElectronic Projects$36
ArtSnacksArt Supplies$30
ScribblerWriting tools$20
Paletteful PacksArt supplies$26
Bean BoxCoffee$20
Harney & Sons Fine TeasTea of the Month$19.50
The Gentleman’s BoxMen’s Wardrobe$35


In the Administration category, several subscription boxes cater to the needs of remote and WFH employees. Cloth & Paper is an excellent choice for those who value stylish office supplies and planning essentials. This box provides a curated selection of elegant items to help administrators stay organized and motivated. Another option is The Inky Box, which offers a monthly collection of calligraphy and hand-lettering tools, perfect for administrators who enjoy creative organization techniques.

Lastly, My Paper Box delivers customized stationery and paper goods to help professionals add a personal touch to their communication. This subscription box ensures that administrators have unique and eye-catching items for both their personal and professional correspondence. Not to mention, they’re just fun!

Human Resources

In the Human Resources category, subscription boxes focused on self-care and mindfulness can greatly benefit remote and WFH employees. TheraBox is an outstanding choice, offering a curated selection of wellness products designed to help HR professionals relax and recharge. This self-care subscription box enables those in HR to maintain a balanced lifestyle while managing the challenges of employee relations.

Another excellent option is Mindful Souls, which provides mindfulness and meditation tools to help professionals achieve a balanced mindset. Who better to gift a box like this than an HR professional? After all, they have to deal with us all the time! This subscription aims to enhance mental well-being and reduce stress, making it an ideal choice for those in the demanding field of human resources.

Marketing and Sales

For the Marketing and Sales category, there are several subscription boxes that can delight remote and WFH employees. OuiPlease is a fantastic option, featuring a selection of luxury French products that cater to the tastes of marketing and sales professionals who appreciate the finer things in life. Another entertaining and stylish choice is The Sock Panda, which delivers fun and unique socks monthly, adding some flair to Zoom meetings or video conferences. Finally, Book of the Month is a monthly book subscription service that keeps marketing and sales professionals up-to-date on the latest bestsellers or helps them expand their reading horizons.

IT and Tech

In the IT and Tech category, subscription boxes tailored to the interests of tech enthusiasts and professionals are highly appealing. Gadget Discovery Club is an excellent option, providing innovative gadgets and accessories in a monthly subscription box that will delight and inspire tech-savvy workers. Another great choice is Creation Crate, a subscription box focused on teaching new skills, such as coding and electronics, to help IT professionals continue their professional growth. Lastly, HackerBoxes offers a monthly selection of DIY electronics, coding, and hacking projects that cater to those who love tinkering with technology.

Creatives (Designers, Writers, etc.)

In the Creatives category, which includes designers, writers, and other artistic professionals, we see subscription boxes that cater to artistic passions and hobbies. ArtSnacks is a fantastic choice, delivering a curated selection of high-quality art supplies each month, allowing creative professionals to experiment with new materials and tools. Another excellent option is Scribbler, a subscription box designed specifically for writers. This box includes writing prompts, tips from bestselling authors, and other valuable resources to help writers hone their skills and stay inspired.

Finally, Paletteful Packs offers a monthly art supply subscription service that caters to artists and designers alike. This box provides a diverse range of materials and tools, enabling creatives to explore new techniques and expand their artistic horizons while working from home.

subscription box in home office

Finance and Accounting

For the Finance & Accounting category, subscription boxes that help professionals stay focused, energized, and maintain a balanced lifestyle are highly sought after. Bean Box is an excellent choice, offering a gourmet coffee subscription that keeps finance professionals energized throughout the day. This curated selection of high-quality coffee beans allows them to enjoy a fresh and delicious cup of coffee during their remote work hours. Another fantastic option for unwinding after a long day is the Firstleaf wine club, formerly known as The Wall Street Journal Wine Club. This subscription service provides a curated selection of fine wines that finance professionals can savor during their leisure time.

For the Legal category, subscription boxes that cater to the unique needs and tastes of remote and WFH legal professionals can be a great choice. Harney & Sons Fine Teas offers a premium tea subscription box, which provides a curated selection of high-quality teas that help legal professionals stay focused and relaxed during their work hours.

Additionally, The Gentleman’s Box is a fantastic choice for legal professionals who appreciate the finer things in life. This subscription box includes a selection of high-quality grooming products, accessories, and lifestyle items, allowing legal professionals to maintain a polished appearance even while working remotely.

Choices, choices

There’s a subscription box out there for every remote or WFH employee, regardless of their job type or industry. From the creatively inclined to the tech-savvy, these carefully curated boxes cater to a wide range of interests and preferences.

While we’ve tailored our suggestions to specific professional categories, it’s important to remember that any of these subscription boxes can be found appealing by employees in any department. The key is to find a box that resonates with the recipient’s personality and preferences, ensuring they feel appreciated and motivated as they continue to navigate the world of remote work. So, why not brighten up their day and boost their morale with one of these delightful subscription boxes?

Happy gifting!

Founder : Wherever I May Work | Website | Other Posts

Jared has worked remotely for 15 years in various marketing capacities, and has managed hundreds of marketing campaigns along the way. He has held freelance, agency, and in-house positions for companies large and small.

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